Battement du cœur


Avent en temps de Covid 19

L’Avent est le temps
où nous nous préparons à la venue de Jésus.
C’est un temps pour la contemplation,
la joie et l’espérance
qui culminent dans la célébration
de sa naissance.



Ministry in Covid-19 Times

“We are reminded of the many ways of quiet ministry in our lives, and in life that abounds around us. The little healings of the silent breaches, the great redemptive acts when times are out of joint, the lifting of our horizons of hope when to have hope seems to be against all wisdom and against all judgment…” These words of Howard Thurman seem to capture the heart and soul of the ministry reflections shared in this issue of Heartbeats, service deeply rooted in St. Angela’s call to “keep faith and hope alive.”



Keeping Faith and Hope Alive

As Heartbeats continues to explore “St. Angela Merici, A Woman of Faith and Hope,” we are guided by Angela’s words in the Prologue to her Counsels, “Have hope and firm faith in God who will help you in everything.”



Angela Merici, A Woman of Faith and Hope

Heartbeats is happy to be back after its summer break, and such a different summer it has been for all of us! The Covid-19 pandemic has impacted our lives in more ways than we could have ever imagined; and as we move into another season, we continue to wrestle with the unknowns of what truly lies ahead.



Merci à tant de nos lecteurs de Heartbeats d'avoir partagé vos réflexions sur la façon dont COVID-19 vous a invité à vivre de manière nouvelle et plus intentionnelle l'esprit d'hospitalité de St. Angela. Ce numéro de Heartbeats est un peu plus long que d'habitude, mais nous avons voulu honorer, même brièvement ou en résumé, chaque réponse que nous avons reçue à ces questions: En réfléchissant à votre part dans l'esprit d'hospitalité d'Angela et aux façons dont COVID-19 a vous et …
