Shoeless on Sinai

Dear Sisters, urged by the love of our common home and the people, let us support COP27 in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt with our prayers.
Daily prayer sequence: 6-18 November 2022
Find time each day to remove your shoes and move through the prayer sequence below. Pray at your convenience or, if you are able, consider praying at either the hour that the official COP27 programme will commence each day (2:00 (Central America), 3:00 (Eastern USA), 9:00 (Central Europe), 10:00 (Egypt/Eastern Europe/Central Africa), 11:00 (East Africa), 13:30 (India), 16:00 (Philippines)) or the time that it will be concluding (10:00 (Central America) / 11:00 (Eastern USA), 17:00 (Central Europe), 18:00 (Egypt/Central Europe/Central Africa), 19:00 (East Africa), 21:30 (India), 24:00 (Philippines)).
1. Situate yourself for prayer by removing your shoes. If possible, go outdoors to pray with your bare feet on the earth and/or orient yourself in the approximate direction of Sharm-el-Sheik Egypt. Alternatively, if you happen to live in convenient proximity to a government building or UN office, you might engage in prayer outside that building on one or more days of the pilgrimage.
2. Read/view the day’s reflection from the COP27 reflection calendar created by the Dominican Leadership Conference.
3. Enter into at least one full minute of contemplative silence, remaining in silence for as much time as you wish.
4. Conclude with this prayer.
Shoeless on Sinai
Earth, our common home, is crying out to us through famines, floods, and fires.
“Remove your shoes of ignorance. You stand on holy ground.”
Earth, our community, is being forced to move away from the spaces that have nurtured our families for centuries.
“Remove your shoes of apathy. You stand on holy ground.”
Earth, our common home, is calling us to recognize the true wealth we are squandering in the pursuit of humanmade currency.
“Remove your shoes of greed. You stand on holy ground.
Earth, our community, is being crushed in every society and ecosystem by excess or deprivation.
“Remove your shoes of individualism. You stand on holy ground.”
Earth, our common home, cannot wait any longer for us to
Remove our shoes and recognize that we live on holy ground.
Shoeless on Sinai: a Digital Pilgrimage to COP27 ►