Integral Ecology


Celebrate Earth Day!

Simple Living: God's Vision of Abundant Life - Interesting materials from Catholic Climate Covenant.

(Thanks to information from USA Ursulines JPIC Team)


Celebrate Earth Day! – April 22

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Interesting materials from Catholic Climate Covenant - a great resource for an Earth Day celebration/prayer with discussion questions, suggested actions as well as small and bigger steps to take in your life:

Earth Day ► 

This year's theme for Earth Day celebration:
Simple Living - God's Vision of Abundant Life

 Earth Day Program ►

"Living God, as we meet you in nature, inspire us to see anew our place in the web of life.
In our daily lives, help us to make daily choices that reflect global solidarity."

Excerpt from the Vision of Wholeness
~By Annabel Shilson-Thomas


"God of grace, creator of a world of plenty, the heavens declare your glory and the earth your generosity."