Integral Ecology

LAUDATO SI’ action platform
...possibilities for participation
In his encyclical letter, Laudato Si, Pope Francis described an Integral Vision that human life is grounded in intertwined relationship with God, with our neighbor, and with our mother earth. As people of goodwill, we are called to care for the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor.
In the webinar: Realizing the Vision of Laudato Si’ on 21st January 2021, Fr. Joshtrom Isaac Kureethadam, SDB, Coordinator of the Sector of Ecology and Creation from the Vatican Dicastery For Promoting Integral Human Development reminded us to really listen to the cry of the earth, because our lifestyle has endangered the earth and the life of many people. Scientists have so much concern that climate change is on the verge of the tipping point. We need to make a global effort to avoid climate change of not more than 1.5⁰ C. More than that, it would be disastrous for the earth and human beings. There would be more natural disasters, such as flood, earthquake, drought, volcanoes, typhoons that affect human beings and especially poor people.
This Dicastery promotes the Laudato Si’ Action Plan. The objective is to make communities around the world totally sustainable in the spirit of the Integral Ecology of Laudato Si. Sustainable means meeting the needs of the present, without compromising the needs of the future. Religious congregations are called to participate in the Laudato Si’ Action Plan, because our services reach out to a variety of sectors: families, parishes and dioceses, school institutions, hospitals and health centers, businesses and farms, and we collaborate with many organizations including the NGOs, foundations etc. These are the 7 sectors involved in the multi-rolled out plan of the Dicastery for 7 years.
The Seven Goals of Laudato Si’ :
- Response to the cry of the earth: the call to promote biodiversity
- Response to the cry of the poor: the call to put the poor as a center
- Economic sector: the call to build ecological economy and anti-human trafficking economy
- Udoption of simple lifestyle
- Ecological education
- Ecological spirituality
- Community engagement and participatory action: we need to work as a community, we are working together in partnership.
The first year is the year of planning. Then we have 5 years of working hard, and the 7th year is the year of celebration.
In the year of planning, each community or province or institute makes an assessment of their own situation according to Laudato Si’ goals and can judge which one(s) that could be embedded into the planning of the project cycle. Br. Alberto Paresi, MCCJ gave a very clear guideline about the work of the Laudato Si’ Action Platform. This platform will be launched on 24th of May 2021. It opens for new participants each year and will double the number of participants each year, so we can reach a critical mass to make a radical change in 7 years.
The platform provides the opportunity for members to ask, share, and learn from others. Br. Alberto also offers accompaniment in the Laudato Si’ Action Platform. He said, “You do not have to work alone, you can build a network and work in partnership”. Then we have to monitor and evaluate the progress of our project. To participate in the Laudato Si’ Action Platform, please register by sending an email to
The Laudato Si’ Action Plan has 3 pillars: (1) making a Public Commitment – we need to be accountable to public; (2) making Transition to Integral Ecology, and (3) Journeying together – working together in partnership. In the final year we celebrate our accomplishments.
The timeline set up for this plan is:
- February-March 2021:Raising Awareness & Defining the Laudato Si’ Goals;
- March-May 2021: the stage for building Guidelines and Toolkits;
- June onwards is the stage of Joining the Process.
Pope Francis said:
"The time is running out to fix the economy, to protect the Earth and to help the poor."
"As the term ‘countdown’ suggests, we must act urgently."
"Each one of us can play a valuable role, if we all set out today. Not tomorrow, today."
Agatha Linda, OSU
- Realizing the Vision of Laudato Si’ on the 21st of January 2021:
- Roll Out Plan of Laudato Si’ by Sr. Sheila Kinsey:
- Laudato Si’ Action Platform by Br. Alberto Parese MCCJ on the 5th of February 2021
LAUDATO SI’ action platform in PDF »