Jubilee in Le Grezze

60th Anniversary of the Profession of Sr Annunziata Gardinetti of the Community "Le Grezze" of Desenzano del Garda.
On 25 March 2021, in the parish of "St Angela" in Desenzano, during the solemn Eucharistic celebration of the Incarnation of the Lord, Sr Annunziata renewed her vows. The celebration was made solemn by the preparation of the altar adorned with beautiful flowers, by the kneeler with a long white candle and the choir singing.
At the Offertory, with the hymn "Here I am", the three Sisters of Le Grezze brought to the altar three candles with the symbols of the Vows and a word from St. Angela.
The many people present showed amazement and joy at taking part in this ceremony, which had not yet been experienced in the parish.
Invited by the parish priest, the mayor of the city was present, which also has St Angela Merici as its patron saint. Some Ursulines from St Charles were also able to be present, despite the restriction of Covid.
At the end of the Mass, the parish priest, Fr Damiano, helped by the deacon Fr Michele, distributed to all the picture he had given as a souvenir of the special celebration.
Sr Annunziata expressed her gratitude with a big heart for the show of affection received from the parish priest, the parishioners and for the gifts received. But the greatest thanks goes to the Lord for his faithfulness and for the wonders of his mercy.
"My soul magnifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Saviour".