Here I am, send me

First vows of six sisters and perpetual profession of Sr. Yovita in Indonesian Province.
Saturday, June 12, 2021 was a happy and joyful day for the Ursuline Sisters of the Province of Indonesia. There were 7 Ursuline Sisters who professed in the Roman Union of the Order of Saint Ursula.
The 6 Novices who made the first profession were: Sr. Lydia Luasti Gulo, Sr. Marselina Fitrianis Nehe, Sr. Yovita Jijung, Sr. Maria Perpetua Belo, Sr. Adelheid Medo Wotan and Sr. Klara Novianti. Sr. Yovita Yutta Sueng made her perpetual Vows.
The Eucharistic celebration with the profession ceremony was held at the Ursuline Provincial Chapel, Mater Boni Consilli, with the theme "Here I am, send me". The event was broadcast live on the Youtube channel of the Social Communication Commission of Diocese of Bandung and Ursuline Social Communication Commission. Fr Basilius Hendra Kimawan OSC was the main celebrant. Also present were several other priests and Ursuline Sisters. The celebration was planned with wisdom and care and all health protocols were adhered to in consideration of the COVID 19 pandemic.
At exactly 10.00 a.m., the seven sisters who made professions, Sr. Monika Lita Hasanah OSU the Provincial of the Indonesian Province, the Provincial Council, Sr. Caroline Samiarsih OSU the Local Prioress of Solo Community, Sr. Ann Hadjon the Directress of Noviciate, priests and acolytes entered the Chapel. The melodious voices of the Novices and Postulants choir accompanied this celebration.
In his homily Father Hendra emphasized that the first vows and the perpetual vows are actually the same. When we make our first vows that's when we make our perpetual vows. By taking vows we are invited to leave the past and start living the new vowed life.
The Sisters who made their profession chose the theme “Here I am, send me,” Is.6:8. God knows your inner disposition so it is hoped that you will sincerely live up to these words. Isaiah describes two questions that God asked: who will I send and who will go. We are required not only to be ready to be sent but to be ready to go. We must be willing to step out; willing to go and do good things for the people, the Church and society.
At the end of his homily, Father Hendra invited the sisters who make profession to imitate the "Holy Heart of the Virgin Mary" which was celebrated this day. Mother Mary's heart is always colored by "Here I am, send me". May we always imitate the Virgin Mary.
At the end of this Celebration, Provincial of the Indonesian Province, Sr. Monika Lita expressed gratitude to the families of the 7 sisters and the sisters who had been accompanying them during their formation; the priests and the sisters who attended this Mass either in person as well as those who follow live streaming. The presence of the entire community is a support that strengthens the vocation of the sisters.
The Ursuline Sisters are grateful for the courage of these sisters who answered “yes” to God's call and were willing to make their first vows and eternal vows. Another element in this vocation is the courage to be a witness for Christ and to be willing to be the bride of Christ. To quote the message of Pope Francis, “wherever there is an institution of consecrated life there is always joy”. Sisters are invited to show the face of joy in the world.
“The journey that you choose as an Ursuline both personally and communally, may be bitter or dissatisfied, for that you must dare to see the motivation of the call, dare to enter the inner space and ask whether you are happy in your calling. We must always rely on God's love and faithfulness; seek refuge in the Virgin Mary; listen to God's will through prayer and discernment; follow the Eucharistic Celebration and live the charism and advice of our Mother Angela," so that we too may remain faithful to God, said Sr. Lita.
"My sisters, I exhort you, or rather I beg and entreat you all, that having been thus chosen to be the true and virginal spouses of Son of God, you be willing first of all to recognize what such a thing implies, and what a new and astonishing dignity it is. then that you strive with all your might to remain as you are, called by God and to seek and desire all the ways and means necessary to persevere and make progress to the very end”. (St. Angela, Rule, Pr.7 - 10)
Sr. Yovita Yutta Sueng, OSU