Letter from India

In our Generalate house, sisters from India from other congregations live with us and attend study or courses. Recently two of them have completed their studies and defended their doctoral theses. The sisters are very grateful for their time with us. One of them - Sr Pradeepa has sent her thanks.
Dear Ursuline sisters of the Roman Union,
in union with my Superior General Sr. Grace Therese and my Provincial Sr. Chrislin, I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to all of you as I leave for India after having completed my Theological Studies.
Four years of my stay at the Ursuline Generalate, Via Nomentana, Rome was indeed a blessed one. I thank Mother Cecilia and her council, who granted me the permission to stay there, and Mother Susan and her council who were generous enough to continue my stay till the completion of my studies. I am indebted to Sr. Maria José, the local prioress and all the sisters of the community who constantly supported me with their love and concern.
In a special way, I appreciate the commitment of the English province, who generously helped me for one month to improve my English language. Dear sisters, I am enriched with your Ursuline Spirit, and so thankful for the "insieme" experience that I have received during my stay.
I pray to Almighty God to reward you with the abundance of His blessings upon each one of you to fulfil your Mission for His glory.
With sincere love and gratitude
Sr. Pradeepa CMC
Indian Sister