New prioress of the Generalate Community

We welcome Sr Mariangela Mayer OSU who arrived at the beginning of January. She began her service as superior of the international Community of the Generalate.
She is originally from Austria but spent many years as a missionary in Senegal. She was also a General Councillor.
On the evening of 8 February 2022, the rite of changing the community superiors took place during a special touching prayer. We went on pilgrimage to the most important places in the house of the Generalate connected with the life of the community, ending our journey with a short meditation in the chapel. The way was accompanied by a hymn with significant words that symbolise the mission of this community: “All are welcome, all are welcome, all are welcome in this place”.
We are very grateful to the Community of Austria, of the Province of Slovenia, willing to release Sr Mariangela for service to the Generalate.