Prayer for peace in the world

Suggested song to begin: Holy Mary, Virgin, full of grace or other songs
(such as St. Francis Peace Prayer or Prayer for peace by David Haas).
Holy Mary, Virgin, full of grace, hear your children, o Mary!
Holy Mary, Queen of peace, pray with us for peace in the world.
Let us pray:
- God of Love, teach us to bring peace.
- God of Mercy, teach us to bring peace.
- God of Forgiveness, teach us to respect life.
- God of Compassion, teach us to respect life.
- God of Justice, teach us to respect life.
- God of Power, show Your mighty power to protect those afflicted.
- God of Wisdom, teach us and the Heads of State to build peace for the world, especially right now for Ukraine.
Almighty God, may You be glorified forever and ever. Amen.
The suggested song to end: Holy Mary, Virgin, full of grace or other songs.
Sr Agatha and Sr Andĕla
Prayer for Ukrain - the background was designed by Sr. Dianne Baumunk ►