Thank you for prayer

Tertians, who have continued their Tertianship after their return to Rome, want to express their gratitude for prayer during their long retreat. They assure each sister of their unity in prayer during Lent.
The Tertian sisters’ letter:
Glory be to God whose power, working in us,
can do infinitely more than we can ask or imagine.
(cf. Ephesians 3, 20)
Dear Sisters,
One of the greatest gifts that we have received during our tertianship has been the 30-day-retreat which took place from 7 January to 7 February in Nemi. It was a special time for each of us.
We would like to thank each of you for this opportunity and for accompanying and supporting us in prayer. We feel that your prayer offered for us has helped us to open our hearts to the gift of God's grace.
We have continued our spiritual renewal, rediscovering the beauty of our Ursuline vocation. We recently attended a session on St Mary of the Incarnation.
We send our warmest greetings from Rome and assure you of our prayers for each of you. We especially remember our sisters in Ukraine, praying that the war will end as soon as possible. May in this time of Lent Saint Angela “join us in love, go with us in the time of pilgrimage, teach and lead us in Spirit”.
Tertianship 2021/22