The Letter - Movie

On the feast day of St. Francis, 4 October 2022, the film titled "The Letter" on the power of humanity to stop the ecological crisis was presented by the Holy See Press Office. After at 6.30 pm in the Vatican in the Synod's New Hall there was premiere of the movie.
The movie is inspired by Laudato si'. It was produced by the Oscar-winning 'Off the Fence' team in collaboration with the Laudato si' movement and the Dicasteries for Communication and for the Service of Integral Human Development. The documentary recalls the meetings of Pope Francis with various leaders committed, in the front line, to the care of the common home.
The film follows 5 characters representing themes from Laudato Si – youth, Indigenous leaders, people who are poor, and wildlife – as they interact with one another and with Pope Francis. We also learn their individual compelling stories.
The film ‘The Letter’ is now live on YouTube originals for free individual viewing with subtitles in several languages.
You may also sign up through the “host a screening” to offer a more public screening virtually or in person. After you register, in a week or so you will receive a free downloadable version of the film as well as resources like study guides and curriculum for schools. A great opportunity for our teachers!
The website of ‘The Letter’ movie -
Official Trailer of ‘The Letter’: Laudato Si Film