Ursuline Indonesia Education Conference

The Education Conference held in Jakarta, Indonesia from 26th to 29th October, 2022 was attended by 196 participants consisting of the Board of Trustees, Principals, and Educators representing 68 Ursuline Schools in Jakarta, Banten, West Java, Central Java, East Java, West Kalimantan, North Sulawesi, East Nusa Tenggara, West Nusa Tenggara and Timor Leste. The Education Conference took place at Santa Ursula School, Jalan Pos No. 2, Central Jakarta.
The main theme is "New Paradigm of Future Ursuline Education". Source persons are Prof. Dr. Ir. Richardus Eko Indrajit, M.Sc., MBA., MA., M.Phil., M, Si, a Learning Technology Expert, and Father TB Gandhi Hartono, SJ, head of the Education Commission, Indonesian Bishop Conference.
The Eucharist celebration led by Father Samuel Pangestu, the Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Jakarta, marked the opening of this event. In his homily, Father Samuel invited the participants to do 4 things: first – discernment, second – reflection, third – transformation, fourth - execution. We must be quick in responding at every opportunity.
Sr. Ferdinanda Ngao, OSU, chairperson of the Center of Ursuline Education Foundations, invited participants to transform all aspects of life including education. "The Conference theme this time stimulates and challenges us to renew our mindset, heart, and deeds so that we can respond to needs and opportunities. We are being given an overview of Education in Indonesia and future Catholic education in Indonesia".
Meanwhile, Sr. Monika Lita Hasanah, OSU, the Provincial of the Ursulines in Indonesia, asked the participants to embrace a creative perspective. Together, we search for ways conducive to innovation in the field of education. "We are facing the reality in our schools. If there are difficulties, keep going and use our creativity to find solutions. Keep supporting one another ".
The Sisters in charge as regional coordinators; Jakarta-Banten Region, West Java Region, East Java-Central Java Region, East Nusa Tenggara Region (NTT), and the Ursuline Education Foundation Center presented the summary of the Pre-Education Conference reflections from each Region.
The participants were stimulated by Prof. Dr. Ir. Richardus Eko Indrajit, with his overview of "The Future of Schools – Transform Or Disappear," and Father Gandhi Hartono, SJ who presented the "Catholic Education Paradigm for Responding to Changing Times".
Furthermore, this event was an open space for participants to share and support each other in Focus Group Discussions. Before closing the conference, each group from kindergarten to college made their commitment to the advancement of Ursuline Education in Indonesia as "A Holistic, Adaptive, and Innovative School".
The Ursuline Education Conference concluded with a Eucharist Celebration conducted by Father Eduard Ratu Dopo, SJ who emphasized the importance of a new spirit. "New Wine is put into a new Wineskin" to inspire us in creating a new paradigm for Indonesian Ursuline Schools'.
Sr Vero Andayani, OSU