November prayer for the deceased

Especially in November, we pray for our deceased sisters and dear ones.
This year, following the pandemic, we were able to return to the tradition in the Generalate of praying at the Campo Verano cemetery at the graves of our sisters.
We went there together on the afternoon of 2 November. After a short liturgy of the word the names of all our sisters who died this year from every Province in the world were read out. We then prayed a decade of the rosary. The novitiate and the sisters of the Italian Province from the Generalate and Sette Ville also accompanied us in prayer.
The view of the many sisters' names engraved on our tombs brings to mind the faces of the deceased Ursulines we remember. We often owe much to these sisters who, we believe, are already enjoying being with the Lord. The words of St Angela's promise also comes back to mind: “I am more alive than when they saw me in the flesh, and that now I see them and know them better. And can and want to help them more. And that I am continually among them with my Lover, or rather ours, the Lover of us all” (St Angela Merici, Fifth Counsel, 35-38).