International Tertianship 2022/23

On Tuesday, 15 November, the International Tertianship 2022/23 began at the Generalate in Rome.
Eight sisters will create an international community. They come from Poland, Ukraine, Slovakia, Thailand, and Indonesia. Two of them have served for several years in Cambodia. The director of the tertianship is Sr Susan Kienzler OSU from USA Central.
The tertianship is an opportunity for the tertians:
• to spend un-hurried time with Jesus in the Scriptures, grounding her life more firmly in God.
• on a personal level to experience and savor our internationality.
• to experience a broader and different view of Church.
• to reflect more deeply on our charism, history and heritage as Ursulines.
• a thirty-day retreat which offers time for a deep experience of conversion and renewed direction.
• time for pilgrimage, touching the holy places of our foundations and our Church.
On Tuesday, November 15, the tertians began their time of renewal with an Opening Prayer service in the Chapel of St Angela. The opening Eucharist was celebrated on Wednesday, November 16.
They are grateful for your prayerful support during this important time in their lives.
There were many Ursuline Sisters who have helped the tertians prepare for this year. One of the most significant ways has been through help with English. We are extremely grateful to: Sr. Marjorie Carroll (Australia), Sr. Colleen Foley (Australia), Sr. Carol Ann Holder (USA-E), Sr. Jayne Horswill (England), Sr. Catherine Kelly (England), Sr. Mary McDaid (Ireland), Sr. Mary Virginia Orna (USA-E), Sr. Lee Veriga (Australia) and the Sisters in the Ursuline community in Cambodia.
Your work is very evident in our conversations with one another, and we are grateful.