Visit in Community in Cambodia


Visit in Community in Cambodia

The Community in Cambodia is a collaborative effort of sisters from Australia, Taiwan, Thailand and Indonesia that started in 2010 to provide better education for children in the region.

In October 2022, as travel restrictions, related to COVID 19, eased, Sr Lee Veriga (Australia) and Sr Moekti Gondosasmito (Indonesia) organized a visit to our Sisters in Battambang, Cambodia.



They were warmly greeted by Sr Sensa Kresensia (Indonesia) and Sr Supunsa Tamart (Thailand). Sr Entin Kartinah Sasmita (Indonesia) who is also a member of this community, was away, about to begin her Tertianship year. Their ‘watch dog’, Coco, was also there to greet the greet the visitors!

They could see that the sisters have done a wonderful job in turning the building and rooms into a welcoming and functional living and community environment. There is also an amazing display of natural beauty surrounding the house.



The Mother of Peace School visit reflected happy students and staff, clean grounds, organized and effective classroom structures. In the school there are also libraries – with a good variety of resources available – though more are required,  and computers for the students. The newly built covered ‘open hall’ provides sufficient space for students to eat their lunch and also a space for outdoor classes / play. After school Tae Kwon Do classes are held in this space.



Students learn to clean up their dishes and cutlery and also to clean their eating mats and to put them away. As the school continues to grow, next year they will need to purchase more mats and bowls and cutlery for the increased number of students. Next year will be the first group of Year 5 students at Mother of Peace. There is a need for some shaded area for the Primary students’ playground.

Our Sisters continue to accomplish much, in terms of their growth as a community, in their ministries and their response to the needs of the people they encounter.

Based on the text: Cambodia report for “Bearings” – visit October 2022