If you only knew the gift of God (John 4:10)

We admire the mosaic received by Sr Susan Flood from the community in Santiago, Chile as a Jubilee gift.
This mosaic with the title “If you only knew the gift of God” was made by a group of artist Art Studio Santísima Trinidad from Santiago, Chile including Sr Josefina, a member of the Santiago Ursuline community. The artists are: Marcela Cortés, Silvia Hörmann, Sr M. Josefina Hurtado OSU, Claudia Sanhueza, Marcela Frías, Soledad Fuenzalida, Andrea Krebs, Marieta Viu.
Sr Susan Flood OSU, our Prioress General, received this special gift in recognition of her Golden Jubilee of profession from the Ursuline community in Santiago, Chile. It was presented to her when she visited them last April.
The symbol of a jug and the quote - “if you only knew the gift of God” (John 4:10), draws on the biblical scene of the encounter of Jesus with the Samaritan woman, which Sr Susan used for the Jubilee liturgy. The stars forming the constellation of the little bear (Ursa Minor) and the three rays - the symbol of the Holy Trinity - can also be noticed on the mosaic.