Mosaic of St Angela in Salzburg


Mosaic of St Angela in Salzburg

The project of collaborative creation of a life-size mosaic of St. Angela in the Ursuline School in Salzburg, Austria, has been completed in April 2023.


Idea and process of creation

During the school year 2020/21, Mrs. Prof. Veronika Marktl-Stockhammer was asked by Mrs. Wagner (at that time the business manager of the schools) to make the founder of the Ursuline order, St. Angela Merici, visible in the area of the main entrance of the Gymnasium St. Ursula. After a long discussion, the idea for this mosaic was developed in collaboration with the students of 4B. This year the pupils of the class created the face, the hands as well as the sketch on the wall. An existing work by a Mexican artist served as a model. 


the very first stone was set with great joy the class created the face and the hands


On September 21st, 2021 the very first stone was set with great joy, believing that "we will surely be finished in a few months". Gradually, however, this turned out to be unlikely - Katrin, Melina and Maria often worked in the afternoons repeatedly saying: "it will be finished by the Matura in 2025", the entire class worked diligently on the mosaic in every art lesson throughout the school year 2021/22. 

On May 13th, a creative overnight stay took place, where the students continued to work diligently in addition to watching films. 
Since St. Angela would not be finished that school year, the work was continued during the summer holidays, urged on by the “driving force”, Prof. Marktl-Stockhammer. 


the work was continued


Just in time for the start of the school year 2022/23, St. Angela was finally grouted as well.


Jointing – to grout


But the mosaic was not finished yet. This school year they continued to work on making the path St. Angela is walking on  - with a new idea... They would like Saint Angela to walk on the path of worldwide Ursuline schools.

In order to create a symbol not only for the founder of the Ursulines, but also for the community of all the Ursuline schools, they asked the schools from all over the world for mosaic stones, which were gradually inserted into the mosaic. 


sorted stones from all over the world work on the pathway with stones from Ursuline schools abroad


In addition, the students of class 3B helped to set the new mosaic stones.


close to the end


After two more creative evenings and many extra hours from Maria, the mosaic has finally finished in April 2023. The inscription "School Chapel" has also been added above the chapel with mosaic stones.


finished :)

Thanks to the Ursuline schools for sending the mosaic stones and the highest thanks to the artists of the St. Ursula High School and its students.


prepared by: Sr Marina Zittera, Veronika Marktl-Stockhammer