Double Jubilee in Generalate

On 3 June 2023 the sisters in the Generalate were celebrating two Jubilees of religious profession: Sr. Angela Poggi - 50 years and Sr. Michelina Mora - 60 years - both sisters from the Italian Province.
The date was chosen to allow the two Sisters to celebrate their anniversary together, with all the sisters who live in this house also present. The General Council, in fact, only returned a few days ago from their long visit to the Sisters of South and North America. The Tertians are still in Rome, before flying back to their countries of origin, after the months of formation and spiritual renewal spent in the heart of the Institute. We are together in joy and thanksgiving to the Lord for this important anniversary.
The heart of the feast was the Holy Mass. We were all there: Sr. Susan and the Councillors, the local community, five sisters from the Province of Italy, Sr. Ksenija from Croatia, the novices, the tertians and the students from India. The celebrants were four x of the M.S.C. Fathers. Fr. Benni accompanied the songs on the keyboard, together with Sr. Ksenija on the guitar. A joyous and festive lunch followed, ending with singing, dancing and a beautiful Power Point on St. Angela and the Holy Spirit.
Sr. Angela and Sr. Michelina spent the first years of their religious life with the teenagers at school, Sr. Angela - in Sesto Calende and Sr. Michelina - in Cannobio. They are two beautiful towns on Lake Maggiore. Then obedience called them to carry out other services in different communities, until they were transferred to the large Generalate Family in 2020. Sr. Angela is currently the Provincial Prioress of Italy.
For the life 'already' experienced by the two Sisters we thank the Lord, for the 'not yet' of their lives we implore Divine Providence, that they may be filled with God’s gifts and made still more fruitful, bringing so much goodness for every brother and sister they meet.
Sr. Letizia Usai OSU