Slovenia floods

Provincial Prioress of the Ursulines of Slovenia - Sr Anka shares with us information about the situation in Slovenia.
“Flooding started on Friday in the early hours of the morning and at night due to heavy rains and rising rivers and streams. Heavy rains, which did not stop for two days, covered a large part of the country. Two-thirds of Slovenia is now severely affected, this is the biggest natural disaster that has ever hit us.
Many roads, residential houses and other buildings have been destroyed, there is no electricity, gas, drinking water, telephone connections. Many places were cut off from the world for two days, thousands of people were evacuated. Many have nowhere to return to.
Courageous and selfless firefighters, civil protection, police and army provided enormous help. Shocking pictures and videos come from everywhere. The rains are decreasing, the rivers are decreasing, but because of the soggy ground, there are many landslides.
Our convents and sisters are safe. Thank you for your prayers and support”.
Sr Anka Kogelnik OSU
You can see the pictures:
Slovenian police:
News from Carinthia region: