Extraordinary Provincial Chapter of the Croatia Province

We held our Extraordinary Provincial Chapter on January 3, 2024 in Varaždin. According to the decision of our province, it was a chapter of ex-officio and elected members.
We started the meeting with Holy Mass in the school chapel and continued with adoration, begging for the grace of openness to the Holy Spirit. That day was the feast of the Name of Jesus, so all the meditative texts were connected with that wonderful name Jesus.
We continued our meeting with lunch with the sisters of the Varaždin community. Each community brought its contribution of special cakes. Our older sisters were happy to see more younger sisters!
Entering the chapter room, each sister was greeted by a small chocolate bar with a sentence from the Writings of St. Angela. Each read her sentence and then we sang the refrain of the song to St. Angela - "Pray, work, believe, love, trust in your God!"
After the opening talk, the Chapter was officially opened, and all the capitulants were called. All the sisters were present and the election of scrutineers, delegates and their substitutes began. Everything took place in a peaceful and warm atmosphere.
After the official end of the Chapter, we met again with all the sisters of the community in the convent chapel for the Vespers. After wishing all our communities a safe and pleasant journey, we look forward to more meetings together.
Sr. Mihaela Dumbović OSU