Ursuline History Center – Laredo, USA


Ursuline History Center – Laredo, USA


After many years of planning, fundraising, collecting artifacts, creative development and production, on February 24, 2014 the Friends of Angela Committee in Laredo, Texas, opened the doors of the Ursuline History Center - the exhibition, housed in St. Augustine Catholic School.

The exhibit celebrates the heritage of the Ursuline Sisters, who arrived in 1868 and served in Laredo until 2017, and the lasting impact they had on the community. Alumnae of the former Ursuline Academy and parish schools where the sisters taught, six Ursulines Sisters, and other friends attending the opening toured the exhibit and attended a special Mass followed by a reception.


At the ribbon-cutting ceremony were Margarita Araiza, Sister Peggy Moore, Sister Karen Schwane, Sister Ginger Cirone, Sister Maria Teresa de Llano, Sister Regina Marie Fronmüller and Cynthia Saldaña. Margaret and Cynthia worked tirelessly to help make this exhibit possible.

The Ursuline History Center features many engaging displays.


Exhibit panel of Ursuline Academy history


Sister Regina Fronmüller, who consulted with the sculptor of the St. Angela Merici statue donated by the Flores family, points out some of the finer details to Sister Maria Teresa de Llano.


Sister Peggy Moore and Cynthia Saldaña pose by old lockers from Ursuline Academy.


Ursulines serving in Laredo through the decades are honored on this panel.

A special Mass was held in the St. Augustine Catholic School chapel.


 Sisters Maria Teresa de Llano and Karen Schwane assisted during the Mass and Sister Peggy Moore addressed those gathered in the Ursulines' honor afterward.