Ursuline Formation Program of Integral Ecology

“Our earth and all it contains is immense, and this earth is only a small speck in the endless universe. It is all of this that God loves. God, who is love, is the source of all of this mystery! It is into all of this mystery that we are called to bring the Good News, and that we are invited to live with love, and care, and respect and compassion.” – these are the words from the address given by Sr Susan Flood, our Superior General, at the closing ceremony of the Ursuline Formation Program of Integral Ecology.
The formation program for Integral Ecology Animators involved about 80 participants from our Ursuline background, sisters and lay collaborators from many Ursuline provinces from all over the world. Meetings were held from 18th October 2023 to 21st March 2024. These were monthly online meetings - 6 modules in two time zones.
The meetings were a time of formation to deepen understanding of the spirituality and theology underpinning Integral Ecology and to bring into focus the goals of the Laudato Si Action Platform. We hope that this will bear good fruit and stimulate a new ideas, networking and collaboration in this area.
We would like to thank all participants for their commitment to this Ecological Pilgrimage, for their readiness and dedicated time. In particular we are grateful for the team who have worked hard together, co-creating this process. The leadership group consisted of: Dr Megan Seneque and Jacqui Remond who offered their skills and experience to help to shape the process, Sr Agatha Linda Chandra and Sr Neusimar Marques da Silva responsible for organization on behalf of the General Council and Sisters Elisabeth-Marie Ansart, Dianne Baumunk, Teresia Muhuhu and Anastasia Ratnawati who brought their perspective from different parts of the world.
Images: Live scribing by Jayce Pei Yu Lee