Our thanks to Sr Susan Kienzler


Our thanks to Sr Susan Kienzler

Many Ursulines know Sr. Susan Kienzler OSU from USA Central Province, as she has led several of the international tertianships in Rome.

On 8 May 2024 we had a celebration to thank Sr Susan for taking on the responsibility for the tertianship groups. In the morning we celebrated Mass for her intentions in the chapel of the Generalate and in the evening we met for a festive dinner.

Sr Susan was the tertianship director for the last 3 years, after a break due to the pandemic.  This is not the first time that Sr Susan has committed herself with great enthusiasm to this formation work. She was also a tertianship director in Rome from 2010 to 2013, so many sisters from all over the world know her.

The tertianship program lasts 7 months and is an opportunity for the sisters in their middle age to renew and deepen their life and experience the internationality of our Institute.

We thank you Sister Susan for your ministry and witness to life and wish you many graces in your new mission.