Meeting of the European Juniorists

From 1st to 9th August 2024 seven young sisters from Europe (2 Polish, 1 Ukrainian, 2 Croatian, 2 French) and their formators joyfully met in the Croatian Province.
In Varaždin we began by sharing about fraternal life and mission in our different provinces. Sr Anka from Slovenia also gave a workshop on leadership. We had some very good discussions which enabled us to listen to each other and to get to know and understand each other better.
Then we went to Medjugorje for the last two days of the 35th Youth Festival! It was an unforgettable experience of internationality and fervour: Masses, adoration, the rosary, testimonies, a show by the members of Cenacolo, prayer at the place of the apparitions...! On the last day, for the Feast of the Transfiguration, we left in the middle of the night to climb the Hill of the Cross, and at 5 a.m., at daybreak, we celebrated the Eucharist. It was magnificent!
Our Croatian sisters did not shy away from anything and were very daring in organising this stay: after Medjugorje, we continued our journey to Zenica, in the centre of Bosnia. It was a real immersion in the cultural and interreligious reality of our sisters. The priest of the parish where our Sisters are very active celebrated Mass for us and even gave his first homily in English! A day of integration and review provided an opportunity for in-depth exchanges. The Juniorists were able to express their desire to meet more often and to have times of formation together.
Then it was off to Slavonski Brod in Croatia... On the way we could feel the pain of war, with abandoned houses and signs of destruction. When we arrived, we were once again warmly welcomed by our sisters! After a delicious lunch, Sister Suzanna showed us around the town and the schools where they are involved. We then had Mass celebrated by a young priest in the shrine of Our Lady of Prompt Succour.
Time flies... In the evening it was time to say goodbye! In groups, before going to the airport, we had the opportunity to meet the sisters in Zagreb.
We would like to thank our sisters in Croatia for the immersion they gave us in their Province! It was a wonderful opportunity to get to know our Croatian sisters and their different communities. This stay allowed us to feel the common spirit that animates us: Saint Angela was very present in our midst, with "the One who loves us one by one and all together"!