The Extraordinary General Chapter 2024 has begun


The Extraordinary General Chapter 2024 has begun


Our Extraordinary General Chapter has started with the opening Mass on Monday, 2 September. It is being held at the General House in Rome from 2nd to 28th September 2024.

The motto of the Chapter is the words from the writings of St. Angela Merici: "Do it prudently and with good advice" (Last Legacy).

The meeting will gather together representatives elected by Ursulines from all over the world: 69 Ursuline sisters from 26 Ursuline provinces, groups or communities. The eldest delegate is 82 years old and the youngest is 40.

This Chapter is “extraordinary” because it was convoked specifically for one purpose. It is part of the important discernment process for our Institute in order to prepare our new Constitutions. 

We therefore ask for prayer so that, with the help of the Holy Spirit, the delegates may fulfil this task.