First profession of sr. Lucie in Prague


First profession of sr. Lucie in Prague


On the feast of St. Bartholomew, 24th August 2024, the church of St Ursula in Prague, Czech Republic was filled with joy and thanksgiving. It was the day when Sr Lucie Štěpánová made her first profession after having spent the previous two years in the international novitiate in Rome.

The mass was celebrated by Fr. Jakub Berka OP, and the wedding-feast of the Lamb touched the hearts of all present. During the homily, father Jakub quoted the famous poem “Morning Midday and Evening Sacrifice” by Jesuit Gerard Manley Hopkins, expressing how connected its theme is to the day of religious consecration.

After the celebration, the relatives of Sr Lucie as well as the members of the choir and other guests were invited for festive lunch. For the Czech community that day  was  a sign of new life and source of even deeper joy as it had been nearly 13 years since the previous first profession.

In the week after the profession, Sr Lucie began her new ministry of teaching at St. Ursula’s school in Prague.


Video - First profession of sr. Lucie in Prague ►

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