170th anniversary of the foundation of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart


170th anniversary of the foundation of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart


The Missionaries of the Sacred Heart celebrate this year the 170th anniversary of their foundation on December 8, 1854 by Fr. Jules Chevalier. The celebration of this jubilee was held last December 7, 2024 in their Generalate House in Rome and OLSH sisters, MSC sisters and we – Ursulines from Generalate -  joined also in the feast.

There is a long-lasting friendship between Ursulines and the Missionary Fathers in Rome; every day they celebrate Mass for us. We were grateful for the invitation and we were present in good numbers at the ceremony.

It was a very nice time of prayer together at the Eucharist, during which the homily was given by the General Superior, Fr Abzalon Alvarado MSC. Afterwards there was an opportunity to meet and chat over a very tasty lunch.

We express our congratulations and wishes to the members of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart for their perseverance in bringing the love of the Heart of Jesus to every person they meet.