Novena for the Feast of St Angela

Novena for the Feast of Saint Angela – from Ursuline Integral Ecology animators
18th - 26th January
The Integral Ecology formation program has produced animators willing to continue the connection, and share experiences and aspirations to give birth to a new world with the spirituality of love for God, human beings, and all of creation. We formed a sharing group called Fire Circle, which intends to maintain the continuity of the fire of the Eco-spirituality spirit. There are 4 Fire Circles with 4 different meeting times to accommodate the differences in time zones.
In the discussion in Fire Circle 3, there was a desire to offer to all who love Saint Angela, a Novena to prepare our hearts to welcome the Feast of Saint Angela on January 27th. The theme of the novena is taken from Laudato Sì goals plus the theme of Justice and Peace on the 8th day and the theme of Hope on the 9th day. You can all follow this Novena from day to day, starting from January 18th - 26th. This novena is free for anyone to use and to translate into your language.
Integral Ecology group
Novena for the Feast of Saint Angela - Version PDF ►
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God our Father, hear the cry of our earth!
“Because of us, thousands of species will no longer give glory to God by their existence and will no longer be able to communicate their own message to us” (LS 33).
Let us pray:
Lord, make us care about our Earth that is sold, soiled, damaged, exploited...
That with her, like Angela we may sing again:
“Above the sand of the sea, above the drops of water, above the multitude of stars, blessed be your Name! Blessed be your Name!". Saint Angela, pray for us.
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Without the preferential option for the poor, “the proclamation of the Gospel, which is itself the prime form of charity, risks being misunderstood or submerged by the ocean of words which daily engulfs us in today’s society (Evangelii Gaudium 199).
“You yourselves give them something to eat!” Solidarity refers to something more than a few sporadic acts of generosity. It presumes the creation of a new mindset which thinks in terms of community and the priority of life for all (Evangelii Gaudium 187).
Let us pray:
Creator God, heal our deafness, re-kindle our compassion, fire us with courage as we encounter and confront poverty in its many faces. Draw us into conscious ecological living in favour of all the sharers of our common home. Saint Angela, pray for us.
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Live in Harmony … (St. Angela, Last Counsel, 1)
Harmony with God,
Harmony with People,
Harmony with Nature.
In the beginning is the Word and the Word is God (Jn 1:1). The incarnation, first all is the meaning of creation. God created in order to give Himself to us in the incarnation. The universe is created out of God’s love and the radical love is found in Jesus (Fr. Dennis Edwards, theologian). We are all in kinship with the whole creation.
The whole creation is groaning – waiting for the transformation, to be liberated from corruption (Rom 8: 19-22). We have this hope and this promise from Jesus.
Let us pray:
Loving God, give us the grace to see and to sense your loving presence in our brothers and sisters, in every created being, and in the whole universe. Help us to be your instruments in creating harmony with our kinship and to participate in your salvation for the whole of creation. Saint Angela, pray for us.
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The environment is one of those goods that cannot be adequately safeguarded or promoted by market forces.” (Laudato Si’, 190).
Willingly strive for whatever you are responsible for with love and with a mild and kindly hand, and not imperiously, not harshly, but in everything, be gentle (c.f. St. Angela, 3rd Legacy, 1-3).
Let us pray:
Loving Creator,
You have placed into our care our common home, while we’ve grown to prioritize profit over the well-being of people and creation. We seek forgiveness for the consequences of greed and narrow vision. Help us reject the illusion of the ecology crisis. Help us develop an economy that affirms both the earth and its people, in which the needs of those vulnerable come first. We need to make decisions with love and care for the sake of future generations. May we look for a just and sustainable way of living. Saint Angela, pray for us.
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"Our God makes us understand that he always acts in simplicity" (homily of Pope Francis)
Let us pray:
Our living environment often influences our way of seeing life, feeling, and acting. Lord, teach us to imitate your simplicity of life.
In our daily life, help us to discover the value of each thing, however small it may be. Teach us to live with just what is necessary and to share our daily bread with those who do not have any.
Day after day Lord, teach us to live this ordinary and simple life that you lived in Nazareth with Mary and Joseph. Saint Angela, pray for us.
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“Educators are capable of rethinking the pedagogical itineraries of an ecological ethic, so as to effectively grow in solidarity, responsibility and protection based on compassion.” (Laudato Sì, 210)
Let us pray:
Lord, strengthen educators! May their mission enable them to contribute to the harmonious and integral development of those entrusted to them!
Give children and young people a compassionate and generous heart. May they be agents of change for a humanity of solidarity and successful ecological citizenship!
Saint Angela, pray for us.
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"Do not be disturbed by the various difficulties and adversities you may meet; remember that God is always with you" (St. Angela, Prol. Rule 25, Last Counsel 3).
Even a small group can drive a transformative movement (Jayce’s scribing on the last day of Ursuline Integral Ecology formation). Together we can share and support initiatives for the betterment of our communities, our common home, and our world.
Then...our every sorrow and sadness will be turned into joy and gladness, and we shall find the thorny and stony paths blossoming for us, and covered with paving of finest gold (St Angela, Prol Rule 27).
Let us pray:
Loving God, inspired by your love, help us to build resilient communities and networks to be your voice for ecological conversion, and to have the heart for the suffering of our earth and its people. Empower us with your light and wisdom so we understand what we need to do. Saint Angela, pray for us.
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“Once we start to think about the kind of world we are leaving to future generations, we look at things differently; we realize that the world is a gift which we have freely received and must share with others… What kind of world do we want to leave to those who come after us…” (LS 159/160).
Let us pray:
Creator God, giver of all good things, help us to see everything and everyone as a gift to be treasured and respected. As we look forward to the feast of our mother Angela, help us to be attentive to the very real needs all around us. As those needs cry out to us, let us respond courageously, giving voice to the voiceless and tending the wounds of our world. We pray this in the name of our brother Jesus who is the Lover of us all. Saint Angela, pray for us.
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Hope is not about pretending things are different. It is about recognizing that, with our human capacities and divine assistance, we can begin a process of change.
(Laudato Si, 61).
Act, move, believe, strive, hope, cry out to Him with all your heart for without doubt, you will see marvelous things… (St. Angela, Prologue Council 17,18)
Let us pray:
Good and gracious God, you created us and always inspire us with the gift of Hope even when facing the daunting task of caring for the planet. May this hope bring God’s constant presence and guidance in helping us to consciously sustain the zeal and love for positive change toward revamping the environment through our little efforts and actions. Saint Angela, pray for us.
Prepared by:
Sr Anne Leroy, Sr Pamela Kiraithe, Sr Agatha Linda Chandra,
Sr Faith Kamau, Sr Julie Germaine Gomis, Sr Léocadie Cissokho,
Sr Dianne Baumunk, Bro. Morrison, Sr. Paola Scarpin