Lead a new life

"If, according to times and circumstances, the need arises to do something differently, do it prudently and with good advice. And always let your principal recourse be to gather at the feet of Jesus Christ". (Last Legacy) It is with these words that St Angela concludes her legacy to her daughters. For us today, they are a gift.
As they listened to Angela’s words, those first members of the Company must have been aware that they were facing significant changes; perhaps they knew that Angela was nearing the end of her life. As Mary Cabrini Durkin suggests, the Matrons ‘must have trembled at the responsibility she had placed in their hands’ while wondering how they would continue to care for the Company, how they would keep alive this vine of hers, ‘so tender and young’. (Leadership From the Heart Pg 186)
In her Last Legacy, we recognise the sound advice which Angela offers us.
She reminds us to take good advice, and to act with care.
She urges us firstly to pray, fervently and together, in a spirit of discernment, trusting in the action of the Holy Spirit amongst us.
She encourages us to be confident, to have strong faith … Believe it, do not doubt, have firm faith knowing that the roots of this vine are anchored deeply in the life of God.
She reminds us of her promise to be present with us.
And lastly we can almost feel the urgency of her longing for our perseverance … take care, take care, I say, not to lose your fervour ... ‘, that we do not tire in our efforts or allow our energy to flag, as we respond to her invitation to ‘lead a new life’.
Sr. Susan Flood osu, Prioress General