Laudato Si’ Lent 2023


Laudato Si’ Lent 2023

Moving away from ecological sins and into ecological conversion.



  Laudato Si’ Movement’s proposition

This Lent, the Laudato Si’ Movement gives the proposition of journey for ecological conversion. You can find on the website:, the Lent Calendar, an Ecological Way of the Cross and more.


❀ Inspiration for Lent from USA Ursulines JPIC Team

This year, instead of preparing weekly Lenten reflections, JPIC is providing you with a choice of two different calendars of very brief reflections for each day of our Lenten journey in the spirit of Laudato Si'.

•    Here is a Lenten calendar of brief reflections prepared by Father Terrence Moran to aid us in living a Laudato Si' Lent ►


•    In the spirit of the prayer of the Lakota people "All My Relations", we are invited to open our hearts to the whole world and to discover relationships of kinship with all beings ►