Let us allow Jesus to get into the boat again

Pope Francis has given a homily during vespers in the presence of bishops, priests, deacons, consecrated persons, seminarians and pastoral workers during his apostolic journey to Portugal on the occasion of the XXXVII World Youth Day.
“…let us allow Jesus to get into the boat again, with the excitement of the beginnings, an excitement that must be regained, reborn and relived. He comes to us amid our feelings of solitude and our crises, in order to help us begin anew. The spirituality of new beginnings. Do not be afraid of this. For that is how life is: we fail and we start over, we grow weary and we find renewed joy. We put our hands into the hands of Jesus. Today too he stands at the shore of our lives, to revive our hope and to say to us, as he did to Simon and the others: “Put out into the deep water and let down your nets for a catch” (Lk 5:4). “