We were not deterred by the pandemic

Guyana is experiencing the effects of the Covid 19 pandemic, but despite this a lot is going on there. On the first anniversary of the parish of Saint Angela Merici in La Parfaite Harmony on the West Bank of Demerara we were invited to celebrate with Bishop Francis and the parishioners their feast day Mass. The parishioners gathered each evening to pray the novena to Saint Angela.
St. Ann’s members of staff, as well as the number of children, has reduced. No new children were sent during the pandemic. We continue to allow no visitors for the children and no cooked meals. The generosity of persons has been a blessing. Presently, there are twenty girls at St. Ann’s between six to fourteen years of age. Some are being educated virtually, some have classes three times per week, most of the younger ones have two tutors who are working well with them.
At Marian Academy, we were not deterred by the Covid-19 pandemic, our teachers have been and are still consistently working to adapt and make learning fun and effective through virtual classes. In an effort to cope with the effects of the pandemic we switched to online teaching-learning mode via Microsoft Teams. Everyone took on the challenge with courage. Meticulous planning and training for teachers, students, and parents, frequent parent-teacher communication, reliance on online resources, and most importantly, the learner's enthusiastic involvement and responsibility are inspiring elements in the collaboration. We have tried to maintain a number of our activities via the Microsoft Team’s live stream platform.
On the Feast of St. Angela we were able to have Mass for all the staff, teachers, workers and administration in Sr. Carmelita Hall (SCH) since there is enough room to have adequate social distancing. We took the opportunity to recognise the years of service that we usually do on the Feast of St. Ursula, and to give other outstanding awards. About 100 people were present and were very happy to be able to come together for a couple of hours.
Sr. Mary Bernard celebrated the 65th anniversary of her religious profession on March 12th with a special Mass in the convent chapel.
In the months of February and March we experimented with some very carefully planned face to face classes at each level of the school. A whole class would come in for a long morning, divided into two with teachers who alternated in teaching them. Teachers and students alike appreciated the effort and experience but classes which were scheduled to resume in April have again been prohibited.
The situation with the pandemic in the country is not good. We are in a second wave of the virus, with people we know (or at least know of) dying daily. We have been receiving boxes of medicine from Caritas Slovenia and these we send out to bona fide doctors serving those most in need. We have also been sending medicine and food to the mission areas we would have gone to, e.g. Yaracuy, Marìn, Cocorote, where the Missionaries of Charity are working and they are always so grateful. The Lord seems to put into our hands just what they need and St. Joseph and Jose Gregorio keep us supplied! We truly experience that the “jar of meal is never empty and the jug of oil does not run out”….. until the next supply arrives! May God bless all our benefactors!
In the months of January and February we were able to have the Sacraments of First Communion and Confirmation for last year’s groups and we hope to be able to cover this year’s groups in May and June. We began to work with our parish priest and we hope to develop this relationship with the parish in the future.
To end on a very positive note, we look forward to the beatification of our very own Dr. Jose Gregorio Hernandez on April 30th, here in Caracas. We are happy to note that it is also the Feast of our own Mary of the Incarnation! Our school was asked to host a diocesan prayer meeting on Gregorio’s beatification. It brought us great joy and was a blessing for all who participated. If you do not know the story of this “doctor of the poor” we recommend that you consult Google and share with us the joy of the day!
Our COVID story begins on a happy note of having our students return physically to their classrooms from September to December. Their smiles and excited whoops and laughter at lunch time helps us understand how vital is our human need to connect with others.
Due to the strict protocols we had Fr. Vibert Stephens bless each classroom, with the students present, during the first weeks of school. Arriving at school is quite an operation which involves teachers and guards from 7:30 a.m, with temperature taking, hand sanitizing and students moving socially distanced to their designated seats in classrooms.
The situation on the island is not easy due to the pandemic. We receive weekly updates on the rise and the decline in active cases. The Tourism industry has been devastated and almost every type of business suffering economic losses. But we continue to trust and to make it to the end of the school year.
Barbados received a gift of AstraZeneca vaccines from India. So far about a quarter of our population, including visitors and all the Barbados community have received their first dose. We are extremely proud and grateful to our Prime Minister Mia Amour Mottley, who together with her cabinet and COVID Team, have done a fantastic job in the effort to keep Barbadian nationals, non-nationals and visitors safe and healthy.
On March 12, Sister Valerie celebrated her 65th anniversary of Religious Profession beginning with Mass in our Chapel, celebrated by Fr. Vibert Stevens. The province virtual celebration at 4 p.m. was a wonderful experience, in which we were all able to participate.
Since receiving, in December 2020, the wonderful news of the appointment of Fr. Neil Sebastian Scantlebury as the fourth bishop of Bridgetown, the excitement and anticipation of his ordination on March 17, feast of St. Patrick, was postponed to June 11, feast of the Sacred Heart.
Bishop-elect met with the Ursuline Community on Thursday, March 25 in an informal manner as together we shared stories of our call, Evening Prayer and Supper. Bishop-elect Neil is our first Bajan born bishop! We ask your prayers for him.
We are looking forward to opening school, physically, on April 20, after the Easter vacation. Children, parents and teachers are longing to get back to face-to-face teaching even with some protocols still in place and with a proposed shorter day.