Your life as a YES to your “great God”
![Based on an artistic design by Sr Maryvonne Bohu osu.](/static/sito2020/img/saint_mary/MariePanel-01.png)
The “yes” of the child
At the age of 7: Our Lord. came towards me with a look of indescribable sweetness....he asked me, “Will you be mine?” I answered, “Yes!”
The “yes” of the married woman
Marriage to Claude Martin, with whom she would have a son. In September 1619, her hus- band died, her son was only six months old and the business was about to collapse: “In you, Lord, is my hope, I will never be disappoint- ed.” It is the “yes” of complete trust.
The “yes” of the woman in charge of her brother-in-law’s business
A life among the carters and sailors on the banks of the Loire, loading and unloading the merchandise. “I saw myself sometimes so over- loaded with work that I did not know where to begin. Take care of me, O my Love, since you will that I should have so much to do”.
![Based on an artistic design by Sr Maryvonne Bohu osu.](/static/sito2020/img/saint_mary/MariePanel-02.png)
The “yes” of the religious
As an Ursuline. Marie, in the monastery, led the life of a cloistered religious with an aposto- late of education, with the boarders and then with the novices. She understood that it is through the heart of Jesus that she must pray to the Father.
The “yes” of the missionary to Canada
“It is Canada that I have shown you; you must go there and make a home for Jesus and Mary.” What would this life be? A daily “yes” to the will of God along a journey marked by spiritual and apostolic joys but also plenty of crosses: the burning of the first monastery, ten years of ef- fort, hardship, anxiety. Marie de l’Incarnation found her peace in a total acquiescence to God. “I saw that all the work would fall on my shoulders and that I would have to be more than ever ready for work. I was wholly involved in all the works which would come to me...”