Living Laudato Si Goals Each Day – the JPIC Team in the USA

The discernment journey into the goals of the Laudato Si Action Platform - prepared by the JPIC Team in the USA
Fourth of July Kick Off
July 4th this year will the kick-off for our discernment journey into the goals of the Laudato Si Action Platform. Each week you will receive a reflection sheet prepared by a member of the USA JPIC team. Each day will highlight one of the 7 goals, giving you a suggestion, an inspiration, a focus for your reflection.
We invite you to send a few minutes each day diving deeper into what that goal may be calling us to do. You might want to make notes about what captures your attention.
These reflections will also be found on our USA website which is undergoing some changes this summer. There is a new page under the "Act For Justice" tab for the Laudato Si Action Platform. On that page we will be posting many resources as well as the actions already underway by each of you.
We encourage you to share this journey far and wide as we endeavor to work together across the globe in care of our common home.
• Reflection for Week of July 4, 2021
This week's reflections are thanks to Mary Ann Dooling, osu.
• Reflections for Week of July 11, 2021
This week's reflections were prepared by Sr. Mary Dostal who took the theme of trees for her focus. She was deeply inspired by Ilia Delio's The Hours of the Universe that Mary quoted on Friday. Might be a good read for the months ahead!
• Reflection for Week of July 18, 2021
This coming week's reflections were prepared by Sister Alice Marie Giordano and will give you a myriad of ways to rejoice in creation as well as act to protect earth's beauty and vitality.
• Reflection for Week of July 25, 2021
This week's daily reflections on each of the Laudato Si Action Platform Goals were prepared for you by Meg Kane Smith from Wilmington.
May this week's reflections prepared by Dianne Baumunk, osu continue to inspire you to live Laudato Si in a new way.
Reflection for Week of August 8, 2021
This week we focus on water. This summer our two coasts are experiencing the effects of climate change: the west coast is in a severe drought with raging forest fires; the east coast is experiencing an abundance of rain, leading to flash floods and destruction.
This week's reflections are thanks to Maureen Welch, osu.
Reflection for Week of August 16, 2021
This week's reflections on the Laudato Si Goals is brought to you thanks to Mary Ann Dooling, osu.
Reflection for Week of August 22, 2021
Here are the Laudato Si Goal reflections for this week thanks to Alrie Giordano, osu.