News - Ursuline world


Beyond Zero Campaign
Our sister from Kenya who works as a nurse was selected as a finalist and was among those who received a Health Award in the Beyond Zero Campaign.Read

News from the house of St Angela
We share some news from March from the house of St Angela in Le Grezze in Italy.Read

The sign of solidarity from Australia
We received from the Australian sisters assurances of being united with us all in prayer for world peace.Read

Ukrainian year of the Holy Cross
Ursuline Sisters from various provinces around the world express their union with our brothers and sisters in the Ukraine and especially with our sisters who remain there.Read

Feast of the St Angela with kindergarten children
The Ursuline kindergarten children of Krakow, Poland, who grow every day in values based on the thoughts and charism of St. Angela, also celebrated with joy her feast together with the sisters.Read

As Ursulines shift presence in Ireland and Kenya, their links and legacy endure
An article worth reading in the Global Sisters Report is the one on transformations in the Ursuline provinces of Ireland-Wales and Kenya.Read

News from the house of St Angela
We share some news from January from the house of St Angela in Le Grezze in Italy.Read

Thanksgiving in Westgate, England
On the 9th July, 2021, the Ursulines of the English Province gathered to concelebrate a Mass of thanksgiving for the 117 years of prayerful Ursuline presence and dedication to education in Westgate-On-Sea.Read

Twenty years of the Ursuline kindergarten in Ljubljana
Twenty years ago, the Ursulines Sisters opened the Angela Kindergarten in Ljubljana, Slovenia.Read

The Pope meets youth in Greece in an Ursuline school
During his apostolic journey to Cyprus and Greece Pope Francis had a meeting with some young people in Saint Dionysius School of the Ursuline Sisters in Maroussi, Athens.Read

Polish tertians visiting Tours
On 1st October 2021, the sisters in Tours, France were happy to welcome 11 Polish tertians accompanied by Sr Iwona Skorupa.Read